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      Home >NEWS>Industry information

      Diesel oil generator leakage, leakage or leakage treatment

      Date:2016-09-23 16:46:53

      When the diesel generator oil leakage, leakage, leakage phenomenon, will lead to increased fuel consumption of diesel generators to accelerate parts wear, power failure, and so on. Therefore, we must promptly repair. The following is a diesel generator oil leakage, leakage, leakage phenomenon when processing methods:

      1, plus pad rule leakage method

      Diesel oil pipe joint leakage leak washer, can be leak-proof washer on both sides of the plus layer of double-sided smooth thin plastic pad, tighten tightly to leak-proof.

      2, paint film solution leakage law

      Diesel tank, tank, crankcase seams and other seepage, the paint film can be soaked in alcohol, the paint film liquid smear in the clean seams to leak. But the high cost of paint films, the general situation in an emergency when used.

      3, with oil leakage law

      When the pad of the engine oil pan, the cylinder head cover, the gear chamber cover, the crankcase cover and so on is leaking, as long as the paper mat is intact and the joint surface is clean, grease can be applied on both sides of the paper pad, tighten the bolt Can leak-proof. If you use a new pad, install the new paper pad in the diesel soak for 10 minutes, then remove the wipe, wipe the interface layer of butter and then installed.

      4, liquid sealant leakage law

      Solid gasket defects (such as pit concave, groove, rupture) and the formation of interfacial leakage and destructive leakage, with a liquid sealant applied to the cleaning of the solid gasket surface, after curing can form a uniform, Stable, continuous adhesion of the peelable film washer, can prevent all leakage.

      5, anaerobic adhesive rule leakage

      Drainage bolts, stud bolts, screw plugs, etc., when the leakage occurs with anaerobic adhesive applied to clean bolts, screws or screw holes, can quickly cure the formation of film, fill parts gap, and can withstand Greater pressure, but also has strong anti-shock and tightening of the anti-loose function. Such as diesel engine for high-pressure tubing connector thread, the better the effect of governance leakage.

      6, the size of the rule to restore the rubber leakage

      Dust on shaft and sleeve, bearing and bearing, valve and seat, self-tight oil seal, felt cup and packing packing, etc., can be used to restore the size of the adhesive smear in the clean parts with wear parts, After curing, the formation of a wear-resistant, heat-resistant, high mechanical strength of the film layer, and then car, boring, scraping, filing and other mechanical processing to restore parts geometry and with precision, so as to solve the leakage problem.

      7, sticky glue rule leakage

      Diesel engine on the body parts, such as fuel tanks, water tanks, tubing, water pipes and other trachoma, porosity caused by leakage, with sticky adhesive applied to clean the damaged place, you can receive the effect of governance leakage.

      Foshan City, 000 Di Generator Co., Ltd.: Foshan generator sales

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