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      Diesel generator sets in winter to use Note - Foshan Longhong Generator Company to answer your questions

      Date:2016-09-23 16:22:24

      Precautions for Diesel Generating Set in Winter

      1, after the winter operation, if parked in the open-air generator, should always pay attention to weather changes, when the ambient temperature is less than 4 degrees should be let go of diesel engine cooling water tank cooling water, because 4 degrees of water volume change is relatively large , When the water from the liquid into a solid, the volume expansion will damage the cooling water tank radiator.

      Diesel generator set before the flame can not turn on the water too early, before the flame to idle operation, to be cooled to 60 degrees below the water level, the water is not hot, then turn off the water. If prematurely let go of cooling water, the body temperature is high suddenly by the cold air invasion will have a sudden contraction, cracks. Drain the body of the diesel engine should be completely remnant of water discharged, so as to avoid ice expansion, the body burst.

      To prevent water tank freezing method plus a dedicated long-term anti-rust, antifreeze or the use of electric equipment to ensure room temperature above the freezing point.

      Second, the winter because of the poor working environment of diesel engines, so when you need to frequently change the air filter, the cold air filter on the air filter and the requirements are particularly high, if not timely replacement will increase the engine wear and tear, affecting the life of diesel engines.

      Third, the winter diesel engine in the choice of oil, should try to select a little thinner viscosity of diesel engine oil.

      Fourth, the diesel engine in the winter start, the cylinder intake air temperature is low, the piston compressed gas is difficult to achieve the natural temperature of diesel. Therefore, start the diesel engine should be used before the corresponding auxiliary method to improve the temperature of the diesel engine body.

      Fifth, the diesel engine after the first low-speed operation should be 3-5 minutes, in order to improve the diesel engine temperature, check the lubrication oil work, check the normal to put into normal operation. Otherwise a long time will affect the life of valve components.

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